Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekend Tourist

Spent the weekend playing tourist in our hometown. Had fun at the remodeled Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum and then went out on the bay on the Rocketboat. I cannot remember when the last time we just wandered around Fisherman's Wharf. We laughed a lot together! The best part was a young woman was sitting next to Huck and everytime we hit a wave or stopped fast she would scream and grab on to Huck for dear life. Then she would apologize about 50 times. But we all thought it was just too funny and Huck did not mind at all. Planning next weekend's adventure already.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Color of Water

If there was only one reason why I am glad that the kids and I went on a cruise to Alaska this year (and there are many) is to see the color of the water in Tracy Arm Fjord. I was awoken at about 5:30 in the morning to a beautiful light coming into our cabin. I got up and looked out on a deck and this blue water greeted me. Just inspring!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Richmond Plunge

I was so excited to take Huck to the reopened Plunge. Bonds were sold in 1926 to create the Richmond Municipal Natatorium, at that time a "state of the art" two-story building with an indoor warm water swimming pool, a fountain, observation balconies, and an open truss ceiling reminiscent of the Sutro Baths in San Francisco. I would go to the plunge years ago but only took my older son there several times before it was closed due to seismic worries. People came together to make sure that it was not torn down and instead would be retrofitted and reopened. Huck and I swam for two and half hours. The building and the pool are beautiful.

Book Reading

Spent much of last week fighting a cold. In fact the week now is a haze to me, not sure what I even accomplished. This weekend started off with my husband and I going into San Francisco to the Flower Mart. There were no crowds and I so enjoyed walking through all the beautiful flowers. The afternoon was too warm for much work outside and since I still felt a bit under the weather I spent the entire afternoon reading the book called the The Bread of Angels by Stephanie Saldana.

What I enjoyed about this book was how I was transported to Damascus. I love when I read a book and I feel like I am somewhere else. I am so thankful to have found some good books lately since I felt I was facing a drought of engrossing books lately.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Went huckleberry picking the other day. The fog was so dense that we felt like we were being rained on when we walked under the trees. The huckleberry picking was especially good this year. I think the lower temperatures meant the berries ripened slower and had more time to grow bigger before becoming ripe. Huck took the difficult job of picking out all the tiny leaves and stems and I made the jelly. I think we will be having syrup however, instead of jelly since I did not add enough pectin. I appreciate that Huck loves this kind of activity. I hope when he gets older he will still come along.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School

My oldest son started high school last week. It a Catholic high school without uniforms. However, today they had mass so the students dressed up.

I do not think I have seen him in a tie since he was two and I had an outfit for him that had the tie attached to the shirt.

It was a warm hot day today, something we have had little of this summer. And what did I do, spent the day cleaning out our basement. I had fun since I found old photos. The photos were taken while I was a teenager living in Saudi Arabia.

It was a crazy and fun place to grow up.